Utah’s Layton Weight Loss Clinic Offers Hope for Prescription-Supported Weight Loss
I am one of the millions of Americans who’ve worked seriously at losing weight in my lifetime. And according to the International Food Information Council I am far from alone. Forty three percent of U.S. women (and 34 percent of all men) have dieted in the last year. In general, 49 percent of U.S. adults (56.4 percent are women; 41.7 percent are men) are actively trying to lose weight during any given 12 months.
The weight loss industry was worth an incredible $3.4 billion in 2023. But the cost of successful weight management is a relative bargain when we realize that market anaylsts put the costs of obesity on the health care system at $210 billion per year.
Regardless of preferences and attitudes around appearance, losing weight can have substantial health benefits as well. The CDC’s data shows that for a person who is overweight, losing even 5–10 percent body weight can substantially improve blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugars.
For those with diabetes, medically prescribed semaglutide/GLP-1 (Ozempic) and tirzepitide (Mounjaro) therapies have proven to be a godsend for A1c/diabetes management and in some cases, in related prescriptions for weight loss. However, the cost of these weight loss solutions, when not covered by insurance, can be upwards of $1,000 per month.
While the effectiveness of these solutions has fostered a booming shadow industry for mail order and “under the radar” prescriptions, these weight loss short cuts should be absolutely avoided. The FDA works actively to prohibit or close down these fraudulant providers and warns that these illegally marketed drugs may be counterfeit, and could contain the wrong ingredients or harmful ingredients.
However, under proper medical supervision, these therapies can be safely and appropriately administered via generic and custom compounded semaglutide/GLP-1 and tirzepitide prescriptions at much more affordable costs.
A new and better alternative — the Layton Weight Loss Clinic
The high need and demand for the newest weight loss therapies has lead to the emergence of medically supervised weight loss clinics. The new Layton Weight Loss Clinic is a strong case in point.
Located at 1785 E 1450 S #140 in Clearfield, Utah is now available to all, supervised by a medical doctor and a full-time registered nurse. The clinic has been supporting its first wave of clients since June, 2024. Based on high success, the facility is now celebrating its grand opening with high discounts for the final two months of the year.
The Layton clinic makes the newest groundbreaking medication available to all who can benefit from its optimal use to bring them safely and effectively to ideal body weight and is also providing complimentary B12 shots with every weight loss plan to boost energy levels and support metabolism, to further increase its clients’ success.
How has the clinic been faring so far, and what led to the formation of this business?
“I’ve seen firsthand in my own family the wonders that this medication can do,” said owner and co-founder Beatriz Potenza. “My sister struggled with weight gain after her pregnancy, and watching her transform — becoming more confident, happier, and healthier — was truly inspiring.”
“It changed her life, and I know it can change the lives of so many others. Our goal is to provide safe, medically-supervised treatments that not only help people reach their weight loss goals but also improve their overall well-being. Our opening marks the start of many incredible journeys, and I’m thrilled to be part of them.”
The Clinic currently supports patients in northern Salt Lake, Davis County and Weber County region of Utah; however, clients from outlying regions as far away as Wyoming have traveled to the clinic for treatment. The results for these patients have been remarkable.
Importantly, in addition to its prescription support, the clinic continues to work with clients over the long term to guide them to safe and sustainable weight loss at every stage.
How do Semaglutide and Tirzepitide work?
Semaglutide (and Tirzepitide) supports healthy weight loss from multiple pathways:
1. The medication targets the brain and mimics the hormonal response that decreases appetite and gives us a feeling of fullness when we have had the amount of food that we need. Cravings diminish or go entirely away.
2. The medication delays gastric emptying of the stomach, which allows us to stay full for a longer period after every meal.
3. The pancreas releases the ideal amount of insulin needed.
4. The liver reduces production of glucose allowing the body to maintain a more ideal and steady level of glucose and to reduce A1c.
The clinic also provides the newest 3D Bodyscan technology on site to analyze body composition and accurately detect the full impact of weight loss and body composition gains over time.
Does it really work? I’ll share my own experience. As my husband has worked to combat diabetes, he has used both Ozempic and then Mounjaro under his doctor’s supervision. Over a period of 4–5 years, he has lost a total of well beyond 100 pounds, while brining his diabetes entirely under control. For me, a 66-year-old fitness-focused female who is past menopause, my difficulty was the need to successfully lose 20–30 pounds that refused to budge under typical weightloss recommendations, despite strict dieting, weight lifting, and high impact cardio workouts of an hour a day.
Impressed by my husband’s success, I found a medical weight loss clinic in Boise, Idaho. With just a minimal dose of tirzepitide and a nutritional program of moderation (striving towards at least 100g protein a day, not far beyond 100g carbohydrate a day and aiming for 100 oz of water per day) I was safely and comfortably able to reach my ideal weight within months. And I’ve had no problem maintaining that weight for a year, so far, while I work to continue sustaining and adding muscle, flexibility and functional fitness that will help to ensure optimal wellness for the rest of my life.
A word of caution from Potenza: “If you are curious about semaglutide and medically-supervised weightloss, we urge all to avoid the risk of online pharmacy resources, potentially inauthentic sources, and unsupervised distribution of these powerful new medications.”
Wise words, as this tremendous clinic (and others like it in a number of U.S. locations) support clients in achieving healthy and sustainable weightloss for many seasons to come.