COVID-19 Has Brought ‘Active Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide Technology’ Into the Global Spotlight, According to Extreme Microbial Technologies CEO
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, research into air ‘cleaning’ and purification has grown significantly. As COVID is a highly continuous respiratory disease, it’s only natural to explore the long-term sustainability of corresponding practices and technologies as we start to loosen the social distancing and quarante restrictions that have kept us indoors for much of the past year.
Interestingly, the coronavirus has certainly brought the general notion of disinfection into the global spotlight, especially when it comes to re-evaluating the strength and versatility of brands from industry-leading names in cleaning and disinfection, to technologies that have been introduced in times of crisis and recognized as viable and effective solutions today and into the future. Technologies that may have seemed like overkill 15 months ago, are now sought after as common-place proactive and precautionary measures for general health and safety.
For instance, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have become the industry’s more frequent conversations, whether we are talking about amusement parks like Universal’s Harry Potter World and Star War’s Galaxy’s Edge, hotels, restaurants, retail establishments, and countless businesses that open their doors every day to the general public. An interesting trend: we’re seeing a lot of smaller companies protect their livelihood by adopting new technologies and practices to help keep people safe as COVID-19 vaccinations are finally beginning to get distributed, understanding the precautions may help them if and when another public health crisis hits the masses.
Adding ‘Microbial Area Klenners’ to the List of New Technologies
Back in January, a leading air and surface purification innovator out of Dayton, Ohio, announced that the University of Louisville, Center for Predictive Medicine validated 99.9 percent effective, the company’s latest line of systems for industrial and residential use. Up and until the COVID-19 pandemic, the antimicrobial market was rather niche, according to Randall Mount, CEO at Extreme Microbial Technologies. “Once the Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide systems were tested effective to help eliminate the virus, it became difficult to keep up with demand, especially when relying on a third-party product manufacturer.”
Extreme Microbial Technologies, or EMT, works with a variety of industries such as indoor grow & greenhouses, hatcheries, food processing and storage, pharmaceutical, fitness centers, and healthcare to seek and develop technologies and solutions that significantly reduce or eliminate harmful germs within any indoor environment.
The new product line of Microbial Area Kleeners, or MAK systems, produce a constant stream of Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide into an indoor environment to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and many other microbial contaminants found in the air and on surfaces.
Hydrogen Peroxide, for the uninitiated, is a commonly used household disinfectant and approved by the FDA, to decontaminate COVID-19 in-filtered PPE, such as surgical masks. Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide plasma in the company’s systems has tested 99.9% effective in reducing COVID-19 and H1N1 virus by both the University of Louisville and the University of Minnesota.
These systems are the latest generation of air and surface decontamination devices created to protect people and processes in closed environments where bacteria and viruses can easily spread. This is also the first line of units to be designed and manufactured exclusively by EMT. Perhaps the airline industry, service, and hospitality industries could look to technologies such as these, given the size of spaces and national significance.
“Over the years, we’ve built a successful and steady business around a process and solution that identifies microbial load in an area and customized a solution powerful enough to eliminate the contaminants and create a safe and working/living environment,” Mount told me.
The significance of these systems, according to Mount, is that the new MAK units combine the power of the most effective Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide technology on the market. “These contain more durable materials, which means more reliable, longer lasting systems protecting homes and businesses.”
The custom of now wearing a mask anywhere and everywhere we go, has become the “new norm,” helping to drive innovation towards perhaps a more technologically advanced face mask that is actually comfortable and practical to wear. But EMT doesn’t claim to be a “replacement” for other safety protocols, Mount cautioned.
“EMT does not claim to be a replacement for other safety protocols, but our systems do safely and effectively reduce viruses and other contaminants in whole indoor environments using ionized hydrogen peroxide in the air and on surfaces. The system is an active technology that continually seeks out and neutralized contaminants in the air and on surfaces in any indoor environment to reduce the risk of those contaminants spreading.”
Yet, what’s most attractive about these systems, whether or not the pandemic is in play, is its “active” nature. “This active technology seeks out viruses and other contaminants, as opposed to other technologies that must be applied to where the microbial load is located,” Mount explained. “This technology is not new, but the application to reduce this pandemic is. Ionized Hydrogen Peroxide air and surface purification has been used in several industries for years to create safer, healthier indoor environments, including healthcare, food production, schools, and restaurants.”
Looking to Better Secure Our Transportation and Airline Industries
Looking to our airline and transportation industries, MAK systems certainly make sense, especially when it comes to crowded airports amidst social distancing requirements. More importantly, airlines like Delta, which continue to observe social distancing guidelines, providing for an empty seat in between passengers, can hopefully begin to populate their aircraft, without fear of exposing passengers to potential infection.
“Airports and airplanes are two environments which are constantly changing, as thousands of people move about those spaces every day. Manual cleaning of these spaces is only so effective for so long. These MAK systems continually disinfect whole-indoor environments, making it safer on a daily basis, due to EMT’s active technology.”
Hospitality Industry (Back to small businesses…)
As we mentioned earlier in the story, small businesses are no longer looking at short-term COVID-19 mitigation measures, but long-term solutions to promote a healthy work environment, and a safe and comfortable experience for guests, hoping to see a new set of civil requirements built as a result.
Restaurants in Telluride, Colorado, an iconic mountain town that relies heavily on the skiing and golfing tourism to survive are investing in EMT air and surface purification systems in order to restore peace of mind and keep people safe, today and in the future.
In speaking with a few of these restaurant owners who were willing to share their business’ unique struggles, I learned why they prioritized their investment in EMT’s microbial technology, given the difficulties the pandemic has brought.
The biggest priority, I learned, resided in restoring staff confidence in running and operating a healthy workplace, while looking to retain customers long-term. Like many other restaurants, The Cosmopolitan in Telluride, Colorado lost 20–30% of sales in 2020, eventually shutting down in late October, because of a lack of staff due to COVID-19 infections, and quarantine protocols according to owner Chat Scothorn. Since installing the EMT units last December, the restaurant has had zero instances of contracting COVID-19 inside the business.
Another Telluride restaurant, La Cocina de Lu, which has been in business for 23 years, witnessed a 20% drop in sales because of the COVID-19 restrictions. Owner Lucas Price began researching longer term solutions to operate in a post-pandemic world, eventually investing in EMT’s systems to give his staff and customers an added level of protection against airborne contaminants.
But it’s more than looking for short-term or even long-term solutions. Business owners need to do more to protect their workforce and customers at this stage, Mount believes. “I think the pandemic has decision-makers thinking about protection for the long-term, as well as protection in real-time.”
In helping to continue stimulating the brilliant minds of our youth, our education system also needs safeguarding. Thankfully, EMT acknowledged its work within the education sector for several years, prior to the pandemic, to protect student and faculty health. “This technology is customizable to fit any indoor environment and is highly effective in spaces where many people gather, and are continuously entering and exiting such as classrooms, dormitories, and/orgymnasiums.
At the end of the day, we can’t put a price on our health, so rather than investing in short-term, material solutions, looking to the long-term might just come in handy, now or in the future.